New Delhi: Google, on Tuesday, celebrated the 101st birthday of the famous Indian poet Kaifi Azmi with a doodle. Born on January 14, 1919, Azmi was not only a poet but also a songwriter and a social worker.
Google has honoured Azmi by creating a doodle of his picture standing in front of a mic. The painted portrait of the poet celebrates his work and the search engine has paid tribute to his creations.
Kaifi Azmi was a master of words when it came to describing love. His verses are used till date in Bollywood and screenplays. He is also remembered for his contribution in Urdu literature.
Kaifi Azmi has received many awards including the Padma Shri for Literature and Education, Sahitya Akademi Fellowship and three Filmfares for Garam Hawa.
About Kaifi Azmi: