Filmmaker Shashank Khaitan, who is famous for his 'Dulhaniya' franchise has signed Varun Dhawan up to collab with him for the third time. The duo have previously worked together in movies like 'Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya' and "Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhaniya'. In this new project, the Badlapur fame will be seen alongside Bhumi Pednekar and Janhavi Kapoor. We are extremely excited as Varun's previous films with Shashank turned out to be highly entertaining!
The sources from the industry have revealed that the movie is called 'Mr. Lele', which will be of the comic-thriller genre and will be produced by Dharma Productions. When being asked about the same, Varun revealed "Yes, I'm working with Shashank on his next. But I can't announce rest of the casting details. I'll let Karan Johar sir do that." Varun confirmed the news while he was promoting his upcoming film 'Street Dancer 3D'.
The actor further added, "The next decade is going to be really important for me. I'm looking for more content oriented films. Movies that are VFX driven and push the boundaries of normal viewing experience." Though he might have debuted with a highly commercial film like student of the year, the actor gained critical recognition with his intense and heavy acting in films like 'Badlapur' and 'October'.
Varun will be seen alongside Shradda Kapoor and Prabhudeva in 'Street Dancer 3D', which is releasing on 24th January, 2020.