'Jeera' The Magic Seed: Diabetic Patients Listen Up!

Publish On: 26 Nov, 2019 04:25 PM | Updated   |   Prateek  

The key to regulated blood sugar levels is eating right. The secondary factor that can help is exercise.

Lifestyle disorders are common nowadays. An unhealthy lifestyle with an improper diet can result in life-long conditions like Diabetes which can be detected in the younger population too. As per experts, eating right with some exercise can prevent these conditions if they already persist then they can improve.

What if we told you there is a solution waiting for you inside your kitchen. Yes, you read it right.

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The Magic seed (Solution):

Jeera or Cumin seeds which are very common in India and are put in most Indian dishes can help in regulating the blood sugar level. As per various studies, it can help diabetic patients. It has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. It is also rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory nature. These properties can keep the blood sugar levels in check.

According to a study of 2016, it was established that 50 and 100mg doses of green cumin essential oil could decrease the serum levels of insulin, blood sugar, and glycosylated hemoglobin. It could help the type-2 diabetes patient.

In another study of "Nutrition and Metabolism", it was stated that cumin helped people maintain healthy body weight and also lowered blood glucose levels.

How to consume?

Experts recommend having it in either powdered form or whole-seed form. Jeera powder can be added to Curd, Dal or even salad.

You can even drink a glass of Jeera water 30 mins after every meal.

Rest, you can experiment with it by adding it in different recipes. If you find a nice combination do tell us in the comment section.

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